Saturday, March 5, 2011

3 weeks old and some gratitude


this little gentleman turned three weeks old yesterday.  can hardly believe it. it feels like time has gone by insanely fast, but thinking back to being in the hospital, that feels like forever ago. we are having so much fun with our little man,.and even though I am so looking forward to the day I get more than 2.5 hours of consecutive sleep, we are enjoying every single day.

thinking about all that’s happened the last month we have a. lot. to be grateful for. in fact there’s quite the list, but just to name a few:

grateful that henry is eating well and gaining weight like it was his job. we love the little fat wrinkles he’s getting. in fact we celebrated this week by moving on from newborn clothes and into some 0-3 month duds. still fit a little too big, but that’s okay.

grateful we have no more dr.’s appointments for 6 weeks, getting his blood tested multiple times a week was a little too rough on me.

grateful for my love and the amazing dad that he is. love that he takes such good care of us and rocks at changing diapers. in fact he’s so good, I might just let him takeover all diaper changing duties. forever.

grateful the weather is getting warmer. I cant wait to play in the sun with our little family.

grateful for all the friends and family that have done so much for us the last few weeks.

grateful I get to stay home all day with my sweet boy, which makes me realize I’m also grateful for hulu, I have to stay up on my shows somehow right? I admit I watch a few minutes while henry is eating. which makes me remember I’m also grateful Michelle got sent home on the Bachelor :) ridiculous that I watch I know , but we all have our guilty pleasures. and I’m telling you, she was bad news.

I could go on, and make this post really really long, but I wont. so to myself I will count the rest of our blessings. and once again end this post with some pictures of our chubs. ( a little blurry, hopefully I can get the hang of our new lens)





tummy time with dad

also, these lovelies came in the mail recently:


after searching for months for some baby bedding that I liked I finally gave up and decided to make my own. crazy since my sewing skills are so limited, but I fell in love with this cloud 9 fabric. I might be in way over my head. luckily I have a few months before Henry moves from the bassinet to his crib. considering how long it takes me to finish the laundry or even shower lately, I’ll definitely need those months. wish me luck!


  1. oh my great goodness, i am coming over TODAY! He is adorable.

  2. I just wanted to comment that back when Lydia would get up to eat in the middle of the night, I would watch the Bachelor on hulu. That was when my devotion to hulu and many, many blogs began. Night time feedings. Woo!

  3. I still need to see the little man! When can I come over?
