Thursday, January 12, 2012

baby shark

I’m taking an intermission from packing (packing you say? that’s right we are moving! more on that in a minute) to have a proud mama moment and provide proof that the babe has not one but two teeth making their way in. it’s a big deal. getting a snapshot of those teeth was not an easy feat, since once the camera came out this is what I would get:


so I waited till after naptime, I love that this is what I get to see after a good nap


and this is what happens when he realizes I am too busy taking pictures to get him out


I kind of feel bad that I did manage to get a picture of those teethers while he was under such distress. but I made up for it with lots of cuddles and building some block towers for him to knock down. so all is well.


anyways, tomorrow is moving day. we are over the moon excited to have our own place. it has been such a blessing to live with Mckay’s family while his graduate funding was getting sorted out. and now that it is we are off on our own little family adventure, right into the heart of cougartown. I never would have thought. but we are literally seconds from campus now, which means we will get to see Mckay sooner than 630 pm! oh the lunch dates we’re going to have. I can’t wait.

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