Monday, January 23, 2012

new space


we are finally almost entirely unpacked and settled into our new little home. we’ve been here a week and a half and despite all the craziness of a new semester of graduate school, packing and unpacking with an 11 month old, having to buy all sorts of lame stuff we didn’t keep around for the last two years (ex.: garbage, mop, broom, any food….) and three birthdays to celebrate we have been in complete heaven in our new place. people who have come to visit have almost always said the same thing, “this place is perfect” and I couldn’t agree more. all of our searching and prayers paid off and we feel truly blessed to have found this home. we’re just a little bit excited…and as annoying as unpacking is, opening boxes filled with things we haven’t seen since 2010 is a bit like a mini Christmas.

Henry’s favorite feature and one of ours as well, is all the big windows. He loves to stand and stare at all the students and cars passing by.


and whether it’s that he’s in a new room or he’s just growing up Henry has decided to boycott his morning nap, which makes for a lot of impromptu naps on mom and dad come afternoon time.


and in the spirit of the beginning of a new year we have made a few changes in our family. we have never been believers in any of the extreme diets (maybe it’s because we lack discipline), we’ve always believed in moderation rather than cutting things out completely, eating real/healthy food and a balanced diet. granted we could do a whole lot better at avoiding sweets but I’m proud with the changes we are making. ultimately we are eating less red meat (we don’t eat it a ton in the first place) and sticking more with chicken, turkey and fish, choosing more fruits and vegetables, smaller portions and drinking a lot more water throughout the day. we are also paying a lot more attention to the source of our meat and dairy products. we try to buy eggs, meat and chicken from an organic source where the animals are cage free, fed an organic diet and there are no added antibiotics or hormones. we also avoid meat with added nitrates and nitrites. it is important for us to know that the producer pays special attention to the animals wellbeing and makes sure they live in a healthy environment (Kirkland brand Organic Brown eggs are wonderful). I know these may sound like small, no brainer things to some but focusing on a lot of little changes can make a big difference, we’ve noticed. and it makes us happy : )

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy for you guys!! There is something about having your own place and making it your own, enjoy! Pretty sure Henry and Penny need a play date though, they might just be in heaven together. xoxo
